4 Frottiet Imorru l-Baħar
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4 Frottiet Imorru l-Baħar

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4 Frottiet imorru l-baħar hu mmirat għat-tfal bejn il-ħames u t-tmien snin u sar b'kollaborazzjoni mal-Aġenzija Nazzjonali tal-Litteriżmu.

Il-ġranet sbieħ, u kulħadd qed jieħu pjaċir imur il-baħar. Anke il-frott li tixtri Rita jixtieq jagħmel hekk. Malli Rita toħroġ, il-frott kollu jaqbeż għal isfel u jmur iqatta' ġurnata ħdejn il-baħar. Imma xi ħadd jibda jgerger il-ħin kollu. Tgħid min? Segwu l-avventuri tagħhom f'xatt il-baħar.


4 Frottiet imorru l-baħar is aimed at children aged five to eight years old. 4 Frottiet imorru l-baħar was done with the collaboration of the National Literacy Agency.

The days are nice and sunny and everyone enjoys going to the seaside. Even the fruit which Rita buys want to do likewise. As soon as Rita goes out, the fruit jumps down from the table and go to spend the day at the beach. But someone cannot stop complaining. Who do you think it is? Follow the fruits' adventures at the seaside.

Jennifer Spagnol
Translated by:
Illustrated by:
Ryan Galea and Philip Taliana
Paperback and Big Book
4 Frottiet imorru l-bahar
Also available as an ebook

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