Il-Ġgant id-Dħuli
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Il-Ġgant id-Dħuli

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Il-Ġgant id-Dħuli / The Friendly Giant ta' Gladys Masters, miġjuba għall-Malti minn Toni Aquilina, hija mmirata għat-tfal bejn is-seba' u l-ħdax-il sena. Din il-ħrafa tista' tinqara bl-għajnuna ta' Glossarju mħejji apposta għalik.


Il-Ġgant id-Dħuli / The Friendly Giant  by Gladys Masters and translated into Maltese by Toni Aquilina is for children seven to 11 years of age. This fable contains a glossary which helps children and also foreigners who are learning Maltese whilst reading this story.



Don't judge the book by its cover! No! Not in the literal sense. This book cover is indeed a fantastic one as is the story inside of it. This friendly giant tries his best to get accepted by the people in the village and I admired his perseverance in undertaking this wish almost turned into a mission. This clever giant takes the reader through a series of adventures where he puts himself out there and risks that extra bit out of his comfort zone. And yes he appears to be big and mighty but all in all, I couldn't help but fall in love with this character. I appreciated the glossary at the end of the book as some of the words used are usually difficult for kids to understand but the glossary is definitely a great way to keep them engaged without them having to refer to other books. Translation is very loyal to the original story.

Annabel Desira

Gladys Masters
Translated by:
Toni Aquilina
Illustrated by:
Bernard Micallef u Jeanelle Zammit
il-Ggant id-Dhuli
Also available as an ebook

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