Ittra lil Tarbija li Qatt ma Twieldet / Lettera a un Bambino Mai Nato
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Ittra lil Tarbija li Qatt ma Twieldet / Lettera a un Bambino Mai Nato hu rumanz miktub mill-ġurnalista Taljana Oriana Fallaci fejn tindirizza l-fetu fil-ġuf. Fejn f'kuntest ta' inġustizzji, turi t-taqbida ta' mara li tagħżel bejn il-karriera li tħobb u tqala mhux mistennija.
Mamà! Ħallini nitkellem, mamà. La tibżax. M'għandux ikun hemm biża' mill-verità. Warra kollox, il-verità diġà ntqalet. Kull wieħed minnhom qal verità, u inti taf: inti għallimtni li l-verità hi magħmula minn ħafna veritajiet differenti. Qegħdin fit-tajjeb dawk li akkużawk u dawk li ddifendewk, dawk li ħelsuk u dawk li kkundannawk ... Iżda dawk il-ġudizzji ma jiswew xejn. Missierek u ommok għandhom raġun meta jgħidu li ma tistax tidħol fir-ruħ ta' ħaddieħor, li l-uniku xhud huwa jien. Jiena biss, mamà, nista' nafferma li qtiltni mingħajr ma qtiltni. Jien biss nista' nispjega kif għamilt u għaliex. Jien ma kontx tlabt li nitwieled, mamà...
“Mother! Let me speak, mother. Do not be afraid. There should not be any fear of the truth. After all, the truth has already been revealed. Everyone spoke the truth and you know: you taught me that the truth comprises many different realities. Both those who accused you and who defended are correct, as well as those who condemned you and who set you free . . . But those judgments count for nothing. Your parents are correct in saying you cannot enter into someone else's soul, that I am the sole witness. Only I, mother, can declare that you have killed me without killing me. Only I can explain how and why you did this. Mother, I never asked to be born . . .”
About the Author
Oriana Fallaci was an Italian author, journalist and political interviewer who became famous in the mid-20th century for her coverage of war and revolution and her interviews with world leaders.
About the Translator
Christine Bajada holds a Master of Arts in Translation Studies from the University of Malta. Both her undergraduate and graduate theses addressed Fallaci's literary work. Bajada is a committee member of the Ghaqda Drammatika Sannat, Gozo.