Kumewawa: Iben il-Ġungla
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Kumewawa: Iben il-Gungla / Kumewawa: Son of the Jungle hu d-disa' ktieb fis-Sensiela Traduzzjonijiet Faraxa. Dal-ktieb ta' Tibor Sekelj (1912-1988) hu l-aktar ktieb tradott mill-Esperanto għall-ilsna oħra. F'dal-ktieb mimli avventuri, Sekelj ma riedx juri biss esperjenzi personali tiegħu, imma ried juri ukoll li l-Esperanto, lingwa ħafifa, tista' tintuża għal kull bżonn u idea u tista' tgħin 'il-bnedmin jiftiehmu bejniethom aktar għax mhi lingwa ta' ħadd u hi ta' kulħadd fl-istess ħin.
The 2nd edition of Kumewawa: Iben il-Gungla / Kumewawa: Son of the Jungle by Tibor Sekelj, translated from Esperanto into the Maltese language by Karmenu Mallia. This book is the ninth in the FARAXA Translation Series. Kumewawa is Sekeljs most successful and most translated work, with the Japanese ministry for education in 1983 having declared the story to be one of the four most successful works of juvenile literature in Japan. Over a million copies of Kumewawa have been printed throughout the worlld.