L-Elf Mistoqsija ta' Dino Ricciolino Dwar il-Virus Corona / The Thousand Questions Of Dino Ricciolino About The Coronavirus
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Ktieb Bilingwu / Bilingual Book

L-Elf Mistoqsija ta' Dino Ricciolino Dwar il-Virus Corona / The Thousand Questions Of Dino Ricciolino About The Coronavirus

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The Thousand Questions Of Dino Ricciolino About The Coronavirus / L-Elf Mistoqsija ta' Dino Ricciolino Dwar il-Virus Corona ta' Chiara Battistelli u illustrazzjonijiet ta' Onda S.. Ġie maqlub għall-Malti minn Joanne Micallef. Dan huwa ktieb bilingwi bil-Malti u bl-Ingliż u hu mmirat għat-tfal bejn it-tliet u l-għaxar snin. Din il-pubblikazzjoni saret bil-kollaborazzjoni tal-Aġenzija Nazzjonali tal-Litteriżmu.

Minħabba l-pandemija kawża tal-virus Corona (Covid-19), ħafna familji madwar id-dinja, speċjalment it-tfal, raw id-dinja tagħhom tinbidel mil-lejl għan-nhar.

L-inċertezzi jġibu l-istress fuq kulħadd, l-aktar fuq it-tfal li għandhom bżonn iħossuhom siguri. L-għan ta’ dan il-ktieb ċkejken hu li jispjega b'mod ċar u ħafif, imma xjentifikament korrett, il-ħafna mistoqsijiet li jkollhom it-tfal.


The Thousand Questions Of Dino Ricciolino About The Coronavirus / L-Elf Mistoqsija ta' Dino Ricciolino Dwar il-Virus Corona by Chiara Battistelli and illustrations by Onda S. It was translated into Maltese by Joanne Micallef.

This is a bilingual book in the Maltese and English language aimed at children aged three to ten years old. This publication was made possible thanks to the National Literacy Agency.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic,many families around the world, have seen their daily habits change drastically from one day to the next.

Everyone's life has been impacted.Children had to deal with the sudden closure of schools and the reduced possibility of moving freely, playing outdoors and meeting friends and relatives. Children find it challenging to interpret what is happening around them and the sudden change in their habits.

Uncertainty causes stress, especially in the case of children if they start to perceive that they are not safe. The aim of this book is to answer with clarity and simplicity, but at the same time with scientific accuracy, the thousand questions that crowd the minds of the little ones.


'I recommend this book for all families with young children around the world who are experiencing the epidemic and measures of social distancing.
This 'guide' book, with cheerful illustrations and colors but 'scientific' clarity, gives clear answers suitable for children to make them understand the momentary reality they are experiencing, without stress or exaggerated fears. It is a very pleasant and helpful reading for families and children on the medical topic of the moment. '

Benedetta Canovari, Infectious Diseases, Italy, Ospedali Riuniti Marche Nord.

Chiara Battistelli
Translated by:
Joanne Micallef
Illustrated by:
Onda S.
L-Elf Mistoqsija ta' Dino Ricciolino Dwar il-Virus Corona / The Thousand Questions Of Dino Ricciolino About The Coronavirus
Also available as an ebook

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