Pittura Maġika 4
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Avventura oħra kienet qed tistenna lil min jikxef il-pittura maġika. Din id-darba Samantha reġgħet kienet weħidha għand in-nanniet. Kellha seba’ mitt sena biex titla’ tikxef il-pittura, u tara jekk terġax tmur fuq xi avventura oħra. U hekk hu. Il-pittura reggħet ħaditha fuq avventura oħra. Fittxu iftħu l-ktieb u ibdew aqraw biex issegwu l-ġrajja li għaddiet minnha Samantha f’dan ir-raba’ ktieb minn sensiela ta’ avventuri tal-Pittura Magika.
Another adventure was awaiting whoever uncovers the magic painting. This time Samantha was once again alone at her grandparents' house. She couldn't wait to go uncover the painting, to see if she would be pulled into another adventure. And that's what happened. The painting took her on another adventure. Open the book and start reading to follow the journey Samantha went through in the fourth book of the Pittura Maġika adventures.