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Waqt / Chwila / Moment huma poeżiji ta' Wislawa Szymborska. Rebbieħa tal-Premju Nobel fl-1996 għall-"preċiżjoni ironika" minn ġabra għal oħra tal-poeżiji tagħha. Wislawa Szymborska baqgħet imfaħħra għall-mod ta' kif tħares lejn l-imġiba storika u ġenerali tal-bniedem, kif tifhimha u tinterpretaha hi, b'ħarsa spiss inkejjuża, espressa b'sempliċità li tqarraq, fi vrus u kliem qatt neqsin mill-umoriżmu u minn sens uman profond.
Waqt / Chwila / Moment ta' Wislawa Szymborska hu s-seba' u għoxrin traduzzjoni fis-Sensiela Traduzzjonijiet Faraxa.
Waqt (Chwila / Moment) is a book of poems by Wislawa Szymborska. Winner of the 1996 Nobel Prize for her "ironic preciseness" in each of her poetry collections. Wislawa Szymborska is still praised for the way she looks at the historical and general behaviour of humans - how she understands and interprets it, often with a teasing tone, expressed with a deceitful simplicity, with verses and words that are never in want of humour and a profound sense of humanity.
Waqt / Chwila / Moment by Wislawa Szymborska is the twenty seventh translation of the Faraxa Translation Series.