Amber u l-Mantell l-Aħmar
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Amber u l-Mantell l-Aħmar huwa l-ewwel ktieb minn serje tat-tfal miktubin minn Claudia Micallef.
Amber hija tifla fuq ruħha u mimlija enerġija. Tħobb ħafna wkoll tara t-televixin u tammira l-eroj li tara fuqu. Imma tgħid Amber tqatta' żżejjed ħin quddiem l-iskrin? U x'jiġri meta Amber taqla' mantell bħal tal-karattri tat-televixin? X'ħa tivvinta Amber did-darba biex taqla' l-inkwiet? Tgħid jirnexxilha tirranġa l-ħsara li tkun għamlet u tirritorna l-ordni u l-paċi?
Amber u l-Mantell l-Aħmar is the first book of a children's series penned by Claudia Micallef.
Amber is a fun-loving girl who is full of energy. She also loves watching television and admires many virtual characters and superheroes. But does Amber spend too much time in front of the screen? And what happens when Amber gets a cape just like the ones her beloved superheroes wear? What mischief does she get up to? Will peace and order ever be restored in Amber's household?