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Biskuttinu minn Doris Schembri u illustrazzjonijiet ta' Ryan Galea u Philip Taliana hu immirat għat-tfal bejn il-ħames u t-tmien snin.
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F'dan il-ktieb issibu wkoll riċetta biex it-tfal jsajru, stampa ta' Biskuttinu biex ipinġu u leħħiet biex jaqtgħu u jirrakkontaw l-istorja.
Biskuttinu by Doris Schembri, illustrations by Ryan Galea & Philip Taliana is for children five to eight years of age. This is the story of a biscuit in the shape of a boy and its adventures. Included in the book are a récipe for children to bake, a picture of Biskuttinu to draw and flashcards to cut and children can recount the story.
30 January 2019
This is a simple and easy to follow story with on purpose repetitions that quite frankly add some humour to the story and faith of the main character: Biskuttinu. As I was reading it, I could easily picture kids repeating the main words along the reading of the book. The story encourages reflective thinking throughout as well as at the end of the story. As an educator, I appreciated the sequence cards and the recipe included in the book. It is indeed a complete educational resource.
Annabel Desira