Il-Wied tad-Dinosawri
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Il-Wied tad-Dinosawri

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Dominic u Angele kienu jgħoddu l-ġranet sakemm jaslu l-vaganzi tas-sajf ħalli jmorru joqogħdu fl-għorfa man-nannu fuq Wied il-Għasel. In-nannu kien differenti minn nanniet oħra - attiv, intelliġenti u dejjem jivvinta ħalli n-neputijiet tiegħu jieħdu gost u fl-istess ħin jitgħallmu mill-esperjenzi tagħhom. Man-nannu qatt ma kienu jiddejqu għax dejjem kellhom x'jagħmlu. U kien hemm il-wied fejn kienu jimmaġinaw avventuri ta' barra minn hawn. Erħilhom jilagħbu u jistaħbew qalb is-siġar, u jerġgħu lura lejn l-għorfa fejn kien ikollhom l-ikel bnin tan-nannu jistenniehom. Imbagħad għawma fil-vaska u xi storja minn tiegħu qabel jorqdu, u l-ġurnata kienet tkun kompluta. Darba minnhom, kienu qed jilagħbu u nnutaw dawl stramb u marru jinvestigawh. Ma ndunawx li kien wieħed mill-Bibien sigrieti li jgħaqqdu dinjiet differenti ma' xulxin, u li wassalhom biex jidħlu fil-Wied tad-Dinosawri. F'din id-Dinja stramba kienu se jiltaqgħu ma' perikli kbar u jkollhom l-akbar avventura ta' ħajjithom. Kienu se jsiru jafu wkoll is-sigriet kbir tan-Nannu Salvu li kellu jbiddel il-mod kif iħarsu lejn id-dinja ta' madwarhom u d-dinjiet bla qies li jeżistu wara l-Bibien.


Dominic and Angele loved staying at their grandfather’s cottage in Wied il-Ghasel (Honey’s Valley) during the summer holidays. Their grandfather was different than their other grandparents, he was active, intelligent and always thought of new ways for his grandchildren to have fun and learn something new. They loved being with their grandfather because they always had something to do. And in the valley they used to imagine fantastical adventures. They had played amongst the trees before they went back to the cottage where they would have a hearty dinner prepared for them. They would swim in the pond and be told a story before they slept and their day would be complete. One day when they were playing in the valley they noticed a strange light and went to investigate. They didn’t realise that it was a secret door that led into different worlds, which would lead them to the Valley of the Dinosaurs. In this strange world, they will face grave dangers, and they will have the greatest adventure of their life. They will also reveal grandpa Salvu’s secrets as they explore the new world they found.

David Pace
Translated by:
Illustrated by:
Bernard Micallef & Jeanelle Zammit
il-wied tad-dinosawri
Also available as an ebook

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