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Is-serduk imxaħxaħ komdu fuq fergħa ta’ tina jkun qed jaqra l-gazzetta meta aħbar tolqtu tant li jaqa’ bil-goff mis-siġra. Imiss lilu jagħti l-aħbar il-ħażina lit-tjur tal-gallinar: it-tmiem tal-libertà tagħhom; daqshekk barra għall-arja, daqshekk iqallbu fil-ħamrija. Is-sidien fil-fatt għażlu jrabbu t-tiġieġ f’ringieli ta’ gaġeġ dojoq u l-gallinar kellu jisfa’ mibdul. Mhux kollox però se jmur kif il-bnedmin kienu qed jistennew u se tkun lezzjoni iebsa.
The rooster, sitting comfortably on a fig tree, is reading the newspaper when a piece of news strikes him so hard that he falls off the tree. He has to be the one to tell the birds in the henhouse about the bad news: the end of their freedom; no more fresh hair, no more playing in the soil. The owners had in fact chosen to put the chicken in rows of small cages and the henhouse was to be changed. Not everything, however, will go as the humans expect, and it will be a hard lesson for them to learn.