Koninu ...? Ħsieb F'Waqtu u F'Ħinu
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Ġabra ta' ħsibijiet poetiċi fuq temi diversi bil-għan li jwasslu lill-qarrejja ħa janalizzaw it-tqanqil li jnebbaħhom jew jirrelatawhom ma' esperjenzi personali li għaddew minnhom huma stess. Mill-frammentazzjoni ta' diversi ħsibijiet magħqudin flimkien l-awtur jinseġ vrus li bihom iwassal messaġġ qawwi u jinkoraġġixxi r-riflessjoni fuq ħsibijiet ewlenin għas-soċjetà Maltija. Dan il-ktieb iħeġġeġ lil kulmin jaqrah sabiex jagħti każ tal-ħsibijiet li jinbtu fil-moħħ tista' tgħid waħedhom u ma jiddejqux jesprimu fil-beraħ dak kollu li jħossu fil-fond ta' qalbhom.
A collection of poetic thoughts on a diverse set of themes, with the aim of encouraging readers to analyse that which inspires them, or that which they relate to through experiences that they themselves have gone through. From the fragments of different thoughts that are knitted together, the author creates verses through which he delivers a strong message and encourages reflection on prominent topics in Maltese society. This book encourages whoever reads it to notice the thoughts that spring to mind almost automatically, and not to feel awkward expressing innermost feelings out loud.