Oscar u s-sinjura r-roża / Oscar et la dame rose
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Finalist fil-Premju Nazzjonali tal-Ktieb 2015 - Kategorija Traduzzjoni

Oscar u s-sinjura r-roża / Oscar et la dame rose

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Oscar u s-Sinjura r-Roża / Oscar et la dame rose ta' Eric Emmanuel Schmitt u maqlub għall-Malti minn Claudine Borg hu l-għaxar ktieb fis-Sensiela Traduzzjoni Faraxa.

Din l-istorja tirrakkonta l-mewt ta' tifel ta' għaxar snin marid b'marda terminali. Storja ta' qsim il-qalb u tama fl-istess ħin għax għalkemm tittratta telfa tagħti wkoll lok għal tbissim, umoriżmu u apprezzament għal-ħajja.

Fiha nsibu tlettax-il ittra miktubin miċ-ċkejken Oscar u indirizzati lil Alla, misjubin wara mewtu mis-sinjura r-roża, figura enigmatika u kruċjali fil-ħajja at-tifel.

"Allura, Oscar, ma' Peggy, serja l-affari?"

"U kif serja, Nanna-Roża. Jiena kuntent immens. Iżżewwiġna dal-lejl."



Oscar u s-Sinjura r-Roża / Oscar et la dame rose by Eric Emmanuel Schmitt, translated into the Maltese language by Claudine Borg is part of the FARAXA Translation Series.

This book is about an uplifting tale of a boy coming to terms with death. 'My name is Oscar and I'm ten years old... They call me Egghead and I look about seven. I live in hospital because of my cancer and I've never written to you because I don't even know if you exist,' writes Oscar in a letter to God. Oscar is ill and no one, especially not his parents, will tell him what he already knows: that he is dying. Granny Rose, the oldest of the 'ladies in pink' who visit Oscar and his fellow patients, makes friends with him. She suggests that he play a game: to pretend that each of the following twelve days is a decade of his imagined future. One day equals ten years, and every night Oscar writes a letter to God telling him about his life. The ten letters that follow are sensitive, funny, heartbreaking and ultimately, uplifting. Oscar u s-Sinjura r-Roża is a small fable with a big heart; it will change the way you feel about death and life.

Eric Emmanuel Schmitt
Translated by:
Claudine Borg
Illustrated by:
oscar u s-sinjura r-roza
Also available as an ebook

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